Free Bitcoin Mining with Eobot - How it works
Although I do not want to invest, but only collect Satoshis. Eobot offers a lot of opportunities to win Satoshis here.
First, go to the start page on Dogecoin.
Then at the top of the tab on Products - Faucet. There you enter in the Captcher the displayed word and you have the Satoshis.
This can be done every 15 hours.
Of course, refs always play an interesting role in mining. With Eobot itself you can win by Refs rather few percent, but it is probably not uninteresting in the structure.
I use the extra mining pages that I am collecting and explaining in other posts to play over the certain amount of Satoshis reached on Eobot. So I can collect faster and reach my desired destination.
As long as you have little GHS, you should mine GHS - small or cheap coins (such as Doge) worthwhile only from 500-600 GHS (rather more) and if you have no idea about 24-hour contracts, then you should rather keep your hands off it
In 99% of the cases you will otherwise lose about 12-15%